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Monday, 14 January 2013

Kunnel Supplyco - Super Market Athirampuzha

Kunnel Supplyco near Kunnel Fuels (Indian Oil Petrol Pump) is a nice shopping place.

Kitchen ware, cleaning products, grocery, gift items, books, magazines, ice creams, soft drinks, packaged food items, plates, cooking utensils, electric items like ironing box, lighting, etc are some of the items available here.

Inside the market, you can also find vegetables. On the outside is a fruitstall. On the side is a meat and fish stall.

There is also ample parking space – for several cars.

You can also fill your car at the Indian Oil petrol pump - next to the super market.

Kunnel Supplyco Super Market
Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump (Kunnel Fuels)
Athirampuzha, Kottayam